A series of short presentations on an interesting topic and a long discussion about the subject matter. Join Dana Garves of Oregon BrewLab on a journey to explore various niches of Brewing Science in a series of 6 video presentations. Now found on YouTube!

Can't decide what type of Sensory Panel to run?
Easy Peasy! You can download the Sensory Evaluation Flowchart created by Oregon Brewlab. Utilize this chart to determine what type of Sensory Panel fits your hypothesis best.

Quality Control & Assurance Terminology
Quality Control
Maintaining standards in fermented products by analyzing a sample of the beer against the expected product. Focuses on the product.
Quality Assurance
Maintenance of quality in beer by means of attention to every stage of brewing, hot side and cold side. Focuses on the process.
Serve as an indicator of instrument stability, consistency in laboratory sample preparation and analysis.
Relative Percent Difference (RPD)
When using duplicate samples, determine precision by
calculating RPD. The smaller the value, the more precise the measurements.
Laboratory Conrol Standard (LCS)
A sample whose result is known prior to analysis. This allows the chemist to verify technique and verify an instrument’s calibration.
Samples were the result is zero. Necessary to tare or ‘zero’ the instrument for calibration.
A measure of the nearness of an analytical result to the true value.
Determines the consistency, or repeatability, of analytical measurements.

Recommended Reading
Does alcohol testing matter? OBL breaks down the relationship between breweries, consumers, and the TTB.
Build a Laboratory for less than $500. Quality Control a) is affordable,
b) allows brewers to brew better, consistent beer, and
c) ultimately saves money.
Explore some of the key tools to ensure impeccable quality standards when working with a contract brewer.

Aaron Brodniak, Previously Director of Quality at Diamond Knot Craft Brewing, dives into the usefulness, effectiveness, and extreme importance of a well developed Standard Operating Procedure in relation to brewing.
Paul Hosom, a local Portland Homebrewer reports on three experiments that were designed to assist in the development of parameters of a detailed model of IBUs. An incredibly detailed blog on hop science for homebrewers.

Join Dana Garves of Oregon BrewLab and the American Society of Brewing Chemists (ASBC) for a virtual webinar from October 25th 2022. Learn how to use the 12 Principles of Green Chemistry to reduce laboratory costs and improve the environmental impact by preventing waste, improving energy efficiency, and creating a safer workspace. This webinar will cover the 12 Principles of Green Chemistry, how to apply them to your lab, and Eco-friendly solutions to common ASBC methods.

Need Help IDing that Gram Stained Bacteria?
Just be able to describe the properties of your colony. With or without oxygen? Acid Producing colony? Rods or Cocci? Gram Positive or Negative? Let the flow chart do the rest!
One More FREE Resource for Brewers
Science for Swag
It is a trade: send BrewLab swag, get fermentation analysis in return. Win-Win! Contact Oregon BrewLab with your proposed swap - T-shirts, pint glasses, hats, sunglasses, etc of equal value to the analysis.
Why Barter?
Trading work for work is a business practice that spans centuries. Here's how BrewLab honors it. And to give brewers one more tool for quality control support with a “free” test.
BrewLab Augmented Reality (AR) Pint
Point Phone at the OBL Logo
Anywhere you see the Oregon BrewLab circular logo you can activate this AR Experience! This means the Results page, the computer screen, an Invoice, t-shirt, you name it! can all be used as a Marker.
What is Augmented Reality (AR)? Relies on special images to trigger content as seen through a mobile phone camera. Combines traditional art forms and next-generation technology.

Beer Science Resources
With Oregon BrewLab, you get access to Free materials helping you on your Beer Quality journey. Dive into Youtube to view all of the Fireside Chat Series. Explore Instagram for beer science demos, memes, and educational #ScienceFriday 's. Or scroll down to browse our free guides.