Quality Control Analysis for All Types of Brewers, Everywhere

Affordable Pricing


$25 Alcohol Testing

2 Day Turn Around


Digital Results in 2 Days

TTB Chemist Certified


TTB Accredited Chemist

Oregon BrewLab Tests All Beverages

Beer, Cider, Mead, Komucha, Spirits,
Ready-To-Drink Cocktails (RTDs), Setlzers, Non-alcoholic
beverages, Tepache, Hard Citrus, Juices, Brines,
and a whole lot more.

Beer | NA Beer

Analysis proving your brewing technologies are advanced as the quality of your beer.

Seltzer | Soda

Document your latest innovation meets TTB and FDA requirements.

Cider | Mead

Quality control analysis for new and growing industries at start-up costs.


Affordable analysis to guarantee your latest masterpiece meets TTB requirements.

RTDs | Spirits

Document your latest innovation meets TTB and FDA requirements.

How does BrewLab work?

Need that Analysis Rushed?

*some tests require 12oz

Affordable Pricing

You don't have to choose between quality and budget at Oregon BrewLab. You can always find the $25 ABV Test here. Interested in Bulk Testing and Free Shipping? We've got that too.

Your data is secure.

Oregon BrewLab does not share your results, your concerns, or your internal events with any external parties. Since we don't offer consumer testing, you can be sure that your beverage will never be tested without your permission.

No hidden fees!

Gushing bottles happen, filtering is a must for almost all samples, and label changes aren't uncommon. There's no reason you should be charged for these anticipated events. So you aren't at BrewLab. We also don't require yet another subscription. Get and pay for the samples you need.

"Oh Shit, that's Fast"

You said it, not us. Results emailed directly to you in 2 business days. Count on BrewLab to answer your questions and get you results quick. Really quick.

One more free resource for Brewers.

Science for Swag

What is it? It is a trade: send BrewLab swag, get fermentation analysis in return. Win-Win! What types of Swag? T-shirts, pint glasses, hats, sunglasses, etc of equal value to the analysis.

TTB Certified Chemist

Oregon BrewLab has consistently maintained a chemist certified in the Export for Beer since 2015. This year is no different. Get accurate and precise testing set up today.